Królewiecki Rudzki and Partners provide legal services for business owners and private clients. Working with our clients we create and develop business ventures, supporting them as they move forward into the future in both business and their everyday life.
We see every client as unique, with specific individual requirements. By relying on our excellent knowledge of law and rich experience we apply both creativity and a personal approach to each case.
These features allow us to create effective solutions tailored to your needs. With experience providing legal services for financial, informational, oil and construction industries we are always open to new challenges.
Your needs are the priority when we work together. We set out to identify the risks associated with your business and advise you on how to properly secure your interests and avoid problems. As and when problems do arise, we will deal with them efficiently.
We aim to care and support your company’s corporate governance by drawing up draft contracts, providing support during negotiations, and representing you when necessary in court disputes.
We will respond to all the needs that will arise from your current business as it develops.
Day by day the number of entrepreneurs who require legal support is growing. Regardless of whether you appear as a witness, a victim or the accused, it’s always important to seek appropriate professional legal advice.
We will be able to help you avoid mistakes and steer your case in the right direction. Remember that criminal proceedings can last a long time and being organised at the beginning of a trial is important to help ensure a successful outcome at the end. Therefore we will represent our clients in criminal proceedings at every stage and in any role.
We aware of the fact that the complexities of the legal system can make you dizzy at times. For this reason, we offer our clients services that ensure the compliance of their business with current law statements. In this regard, we offer solutions tailored to your needs that will minimize the risk of situations where the company could suffer severe consequences, e.g. as a result of imprudent actions of its employees or failure to comply with statutory obligations.
In this regard, we offer solutions tailored to your needs that will minimize the risk of situations in which the company will suffer severe consequences, e.g. as a result of imprudent actions of its employees or failure comply with statutory obligations.
The list of severe consequences for breaking the law is long and constantly growing. The consequences of the breaking the laws relating Counteracting Money Laundering, Financing Terrorism or of infringing the law as a result of constantly changing ideas on the shape of the Legal Acts and the liability of collective entities for acts committed under penalty of punishment are threats that all businesses face today, and can all lead to the possibility of a forfeiture of the enterprise.
We also represent our clients in enforcement proceedings, both if an unsuccessful investment causes such proceedings to be directed against them, as well as clients who face demands of repayment of debt.
The pace of life, increasing number of responsibilities and constantly changing regulations make the life more difficult day by day.
We also support our clients in those areas not necessarily connected with their business, but everyday living. Problem at work or maybe family related? You fell victim to crime or you are planning to buy real estate? It is always worth seeking our advice.
We value professional secrets, which we are required to comply with by law.
We guard information about our clients more than RODO, and we abide by the highest standards acting with total discretion in every case.
We draw on the experience of several years of practice in providing legal assistance for individuals or entities, big or small.
A graduate of Faculty of Law and Administration, the Warmian-Mazurian University in Olsztyn and Ph.D. degree in Law at SWPS University. A member of the Bar Association in Warsaw since 2009, where he completed his legal training.
Co-author of legal monographs on procedural criminal law and participant in scientific conferences in this area. During his professional experience he was mainly specialized in commercial law, in particular economic criminal and fiscal criminal matters. He represents his clients in proceedings before all courts, as well as before other conciliation institutions operating both on the basis of laws and private regulations. Within his complex and high-profile court proceedings he usually creates and implement different procedural strategies.
Marcin Królewiecki as a member of the Bar Association is also involved in different activities, before in Social Communication Committee of the Supreme Bar Council, currently serving as the Deputy Disciplinary Spokesman. Previously he also served as a referee in the Appeal Court at the Polish Volleyball Association.
A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the European School of Law and Administration, in Warsaw. From the beginning of his professional career he had always been associated with civil and commercial law. He provides legal services to business clients, in particular transactions and corporate services.
Marcin Rudzki advices on investment processes, mergers and acquisitions (M&A). He also conducts criminal proceedings in commercial matters. Marcin has been a member in management boards and supervisory boards of commercial law companies listed in Warsaw Stock Exchange. He has served as Chairman of the Court of Appeal at the Polish Volleyball Federation.
Being a partner for many years in reputable law firms, he dealt mainly with commercial law, including comprehensive services for entrepreneurs and representing clients in civil and criminal matters.
Praktyka Macieja Mackiewicza koncentruje się na połączeniu prawa karnego gospodarczego, nowych technologii, compliance i tzw. przestępstw białych kołnierzyków.
Jego doświadczenie obejmuje szereg projektów z zakresu bezpieczeństwa korporacyjnego, przeciwdziałania nadużyciom wewnętrznym, kompleksowych audytów i wdrożeń w obszarze ochrony danych osobowych i cyberbezpieczeństwa.
Maciej współpracował z kancelarią o profilu gospodarczym, pracował w jednej z największych firm telekomunikacyjnych w Polsce w obszarze bezpieczeństwa korporacyjnego i regulacyjnego. Doświadczenie zdobywał pracując dla spółek zajmujących się budową pierwszej polskiej elektrowni jądrowej, w których pełnił rolę dyrektora ds. korporacyjnych. Był także zatrudniony w administracji publicznej. Jest pomysłodawcą i koordynatorem Forum Bezpieczeństwa Telekomunikacyjnego „Tel Sec” – konferencji organizowanej wspólnie przez zespoły ds. bezpieczeństwa największych operatorów telekomunikacyjnych oraz założycielem i Prezesem Zarządu Stowarzyszenia Przeciwko Nadużyciom Gospodarczym Antifraud, stanowiącego platformę współpracy osób i jednostek zajmujących się bezpieczeństwem biznesu.
Doradza Klientom w zakresie prawa karnego gospodarczego jako obrońca i reprezentuj Spółki w postępowaniach karnych.
Doświadczenia Macieja koncentrują się również na wdrażaniu systemów bezpieczeństwa w Spółkach, których efektem jest przygotowanie organizacji do certyfikacji ISO, w obszarze bezpieczeństwa informacji, danych i najnowocześniejszych technologii z tym rozwiązań chmurowych.
Królewiecki Rudzki Mackiewicz
Adwokaci Sp. p.
ul. Syta 68A,
02-993 Warszawa
tel. 22 211 18 12
fax: 22 213 90 05